Task notification
When students log on, the first thing they will see is their Dashboard. If they have any tasks, they will appear in the To do list. A badge will appear on their Tasks icon in the side navigation showing the number of tasks to be completed. Setting a task for your students does not limit them to that part of the site. They can still use the entire site and return to the task activities later by clicking on the Tasks icon on the side navigation.
The task
The View my tasks screen shows all tasks, including:
- In Progress: tasks that are open and not started or incomplete.
- Completed: tasks that have been completed.
- Closed: tasks that have been closed by the teacher.
When students start the task, they will be taken to each of the steps in sequence and will follow any pathway that was used in the creation of the task.
Once students have selected the activity they would like to work on, they are taken straight to that part of the site. At the top of the screen a Tasks menu allows them to view all activities that are part of the current task. To complete each activity within a task, students must:
- Topic notes: Go to the topic notes.
- Widgets: Go to the widgets area.
- Worksheets: Go to the worksheets area.
- Walkthroughs: Complete all walkthroughs in a topic.
- Questions: Attempt all questions at each level that has been assigned.