Viewing reports
- The reports screen shows how students are performing in the course content and features.
- Reports are available for each class that you have joined and individual students.
- You can change the criteria for the report (e.g. class, student, topic, chapter) using the drop-down menus.
- The selection of reports available may depend on the mathematics product.
Class exercise report
This report shows how students in a specific class have scored themselves in the exercises for each topic.
Class quiz report
This report shows how students in a specific class have scored at answering questions in the four levels of quiz in each topic.
Class exercise red flag report
This report shows the exercise questions that each student has raised a red flag against.
Class activity report
This report shows the activity of each student in the product for a specific time period, for example the last 24 hours.
Student exercise report
This report shows how a single student has scored themselves in the exercises for each topic.
Student chapter report
This report shows how a single student is performing in a specific chapter.
Student activity report
This report shows the activity for a single student in a specific time period, for example the last 24 hours.